
It's time to stop worrying about packing errors &
Start packing like a pro

Example Picking List

You can create a new template in Order Printer and paste this code. Feel free to make changes to this code.

We recommend for picking list that you use the built-in one in iPacky. It will give more useful information from iPacky, and also supports batch picking. It’s on the menu in the scan screen.

 <table width="100%">
        <h4>Packing list</h4>
        <h4>{{ order_number }}</h4>
    <img width="100px" height="20px" src="{{order_number}}&barcodeType=CODE128B"/>
        {{ "now" | date: "%d.%m.%y" }}
<table class="table-tabular" style="margin: 0 0 0m 0;" width="100%">
  {% assign iNumOfItemsTotal = 0 %}
  {% assign ItemsSorted = line_items | sort: 'title' %}
    {% for line_item in ItemsSorted %}
        {% if line_item.quantity > 0 %}
            <td>{{ line_item.variant | product_img_url: 'small' | img_tag }}
            <td><H4>{{ line_item.sku }}</td>
             {% capture iNumOfItemsTotal %}{{ iNumOfItemsTotal | plus:line_item.quantity }}{% endcapture %}
             {% capture thisTitle %}{{ line_item.title }}{% endcapture %}
            <td><H4>{{ thisTitle }}
            {% comment %}
            Remove this if statement if you dont want to print the product barcode
            {% endcomment %}
            {% if line_item.variant.barcode != blank %}
                <img width="250px" height="30px" src="{{ line_item.variant.barcode }}&barcodeType=CODE128B"/>
            {% endif %}

            {% if line_item.quantity > 1 %}
                <td><H4><b>{{ line_item.quantity }}</b></H4></td>
            {% else %}
                <td><H4>{{ line_item.quantity }}</H4></td>
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
        Total items:
        {{ iNumOfItemsTotal }} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;______

{% if note %}
  <div style="margin: 0 0% 0 0;" width="100%;">
  <H3><p><span style="color:#FF0000">{{ note }}</span></p></h3>
{% else %}
{% endif %}

    <span style="font-size:10px;">

<table class="table-tabular" style="margin: 0 0 1.5em 0;" width="80%">
    <td>Product price:</td>
    <td>{{ subtotal_price | money }}</td>
  {% for discount in discounts %}
    <td>Included discount "{{ discount.code }}"</td>
    <td>{{ discount.savings | money }}</td>
  {% endfor %}
  {% if shipping_address %}
      <td>{{ shipping_price | money }}&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ shipping_method.title }}</td>
  {% endif %}
    <td><strong>Total price inc freight:</strong></td>
    <td><strong>{{ total_price | money }}</strong></td>

{% if shipping_address %}

    {% comment %}
  <div style="margin: 0 20% 1em 0; padding: 1em; border: 1px solid black;">
  {% endcomment %}
    <strong>{{ }}</strong><br>
    {% if %}
      {{ }}<br/>
    {% endif %}
    {{ shipping_address.street }}<br/>
    {{ | upcase }}
    {{ }} <br/>
    {{ }}
{% endif %}