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Incomplete picking batches

Main menu→More→Incomplete picking batches

Lists the on-screen batch picking that were aborted and not completed.

Very useful if by mistake leaving the on-screen batch picking, or you want to continue at a later time.

While in an on-screen batch picking, the scan status will be saved continuously with the batch data so you can continue later.

The overview can look like this:

By clicking on the down arrow next to the Updated column, it will show a list of orders in that batch.

Clicking on the trash can icon will delete the saved incomplete picking batch. It will also be deleted when you complete the on-screen batch picking.

Clicking on the hyper-link in the Created column will open the saved incomplete batch, marking the items already scanned so you can continue from there.

Please note that only incomplete picking batches will be listed here. As soon as you complete the on-screen batch picking, it will disappear from this list.

The entries will be automatically deleted after 14 days.

The completed picking batches are in Picking batches.