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View PrintNode jobs

iPacky Dashboard→Tools→View PrintNode jobs
iPacky main screen→Menu→More→View PrintNode jobs

This screen is a tool to view PrintNode status and do troubleshooting.

Here you can see the status of the clients and print jobs.

Clients should have the status of connected. If it says disconnected, it means that PrintNode cannot communicate with the client. Most likely the computer need to log in. If not logged in, PrintNode will not be able to send jobs to that client.

The print jobs are listed with the creation date, the printer it’s trying to print to, and the status. If the client is connected, and the print job status stays at new for a long time, the most likely cause is that the client cannot communicate with the printer. Try to turn the printer off and then on again. The job will receive a status of done when it’s been printed.

iPacky saves the PrintNode job for 1-2 hours after the print. If the line has a printer icon at the end, you can click on that to print it again. For example, in case of a paper jam. You can even send it to a different printer in the dialog that comes up, or save it to disk.

If the print job is listed there, but it does not print, please contact PrintNode support since this is out of scope for iPacky