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Shopify locations

With iPacky’s support for Shopify locations you get a very powerful tool for fulfilling from different locations.

This is an add-on module that you need to contact iPacky to get activated.

The reason for having it as an add-on module is a bit more advanced setup of iPacky, which is not needed at all if you don’t use Shopify locations.

WARNING: You should under no circumstances have iPacky with a different location selected in different tabs in your browser. This can have serious consequences.

Some highlights:

  • Each location has its own bin locations. This is very important since another location will not have the same bin locations. Here, iPacky is quite unique.
  • Users have access per location. This allows access to specific locations for the user.
  • Setup of optional Workstations per location. This means if using PrintNode that you define which workstations/printers are on the location.
  • Special properties in iPacky per location. This includes location alias, where you can use a shorter name for a location in iPacky.
  • Picking list assignments and order validation is per location.


The first task that should be performed is setting up Locations in iPacky.

iPacky Dashboard→Tools→Locations

Set up which Shopify locations that should be visible in iPacky, and also the location alias. Hide the ones you will not need in iPacky to meake it more clear. If some locations are missing, contact iPacky to turn on the rest, because this will by default only show the Shopify locations that are active and fulfills online orders.


The next task that should be done is assigning users to locations.

When editing a user, you will now see the locations available, and a checkbox to select whether the user has access to the location. This will restrict their access to only the specified locations.

iPacky Dashboard→Users


If you are using Workstations, you will now have to specify which location a workstation belongs to. This is done in the Location dropdown.

Switching locations

In order to switch location, the user has to be logged into the iPacky Dashboard.

The “Switch location” is located in the top right Account menu in the iPacky Dashboard. Will only be visible if the logged-in user has access to multiple locations.

WARNING: You should under no circumstances have different locations/shops in different tabs in your browser. Make sure you have only one tab in your browser with iPacky when you switch location.

You can however have different shops/locations in iPacky in a different type of browser. For example, if one is in Chrome, and another one in Edge or Safari.

Bin locations

Each location will have different bin locations in iPacky. This is very important since bin locations will not be the same for different Shopify locations. So if you change the bin location in one location, it will not affect other locations.

So you edit the bin location for the current location in iPacky. The rest of the metafields are shared between locations because they will be the same. Such as product note and barcode aliases.

This applies of course to the import/export in Metafields.

Please make an export once in a while as a backup in case you manage to overwrite with wrong values.

Current location

The current location will be shown in the top line in the iPacky Dashboard, next to the shop name, or shop logo.

In the main iPacky screen, this will be shown in the hamburger menu.

General use

The orders you will see in the Orders and Picking list/packing slips will be the orders that have fulfillments on that location.

If trying to enter an order number for order check that does not have any open fulfillments on that location, it will show a message that it does not find any open fulfillments for the location.

When printing out picking lists, packing slips or checking orders, it will only show the order lines and quantity that should be fulfilled from the current location, which is correct. This is especially important when an order is split between multiple locations.

It’s not possible to fulfill all locations at once. This is by design.

All order check data is linked to the location. So you can later see what happened to every fulfillment.

Picking list assignments will only show the available users on the current location.

Validate orders will also only show the orders that should be validated for the current location.

The order preview (eye icon) shows the complete order across locations.